Remix Media EvaluationBelow is a presentation which shows my answers to the evaluation questions:1. In what ways does your media product use, develop use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products. 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Mixmag is the one magazine on the market which I would say is the most similar to my magazine as it concentrates on the same genre of dance and electro music. It has similar characteristics to my magazine and would be the biggest competitor to the Remix production.
As you can see below both Mixmag and Remix front covers have:
- Bright colours
- One main picture
- A free CD
- Barcode
- Masthead
- Cover lines
I do not believe that there is a clear gap in the market for my magazine as Mixmag already has a strong following but I do think that for each genre of music there is an opportunity for a small number of different magazines. For example the genre rock music is focused on magazines like Kerrang and Uncut which gives me comfort that there would be demand for Remix magazine.
A media company would want to distribute my magazine due to the fact that:
- Contains important content specific to the dance and electro genre.
- It relates well with a youngish audience from 18-24 year olds.
- Very aesthetically pleasing on the eye.
- For a music magazine including a free CD it is a premium product but not overly expensive.
- Quality of images are very professional and of a high standard
- Great, exclusive interviews with big stars and celebrities
- Chatty style of writing will create the relation between the audience and magazine
- Free CD will entice a range of audiences to the magazine
During my research I found out there was strong demand for music magazines and decided that my favourite style of magazine Q was distributed by Bauer consumer media. The Bauer group are a highly successful distribution company and it would be amazing if they would consider distributing Remix due to the professionalism and the knowledge that the company has gained from its proven track record of distributing magazines like Q. My magazine if distributed by Bauer media group would not clash with the other magazines that they work with as Remix would be the only dance and electro magazine available and I believe they would be interested in distributing my product as it would be highly profitable as well as adding to their overall brand value.
Remix Evaluation 2
Below shows another presentation showing the answers to two other evaluation questions which are:
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. Who would be the audience for your media product?
Remix Evaluation 2
Below shows another presentation showing the answers to two other evaluation questions which are:
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. Who would be the audience for your media product?
7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back to my preliminary task I have learnt much
more about the different technologies that I have used and how to work the
software to my advantage. I discovered so many more tools for example on photoshop which allowed me to do so much more extra to my product and making it more detailed. All the tools on offer I took advantage off which gave me a more professional looking piece of work.
Re-searching into more topic
throughout my coursework like how to take good images allowed me to improve my pages and make my product more suitable for the target market audience. My school magazine was harder to plan due to the lack of school magazines I had access to but with my main task I felt like I could progress because there were so many more music magazine available that I could look at. Gaining access to more magazines meant that I could find out the codes and conventions of each type of music magazine more thoroughly and know what I wanted and could include in my own product.
throughout my coursework like how to take good images allowed me to improve my pages and make my product more suitable for the target market audience. My school magazine was harder to plan due to the lack of school magazines I had access to but with my main task I felt like I could progress because there were so many more music magazine available that I could look at. Gaining access to more magazines meant that I could find out the codes and conventions of each type of music magazine more thoroughly and know what I wanted and could include in my own product.
I have learnt about the magazine industry and how much competition there is nowadays between each type of magazine. I also learnt how many different music magazines are published and what the critical issues
to ensure success are.
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